Design ideas for ceilings

Open cell ceillings KRAFT at the Koʼksaroy residence of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan

An open pavilion for receptions is located on the territory of the Kuksaroy Presidential Palace (Uzbek: Koʼksaroy). The supplier of suspended ceilings for the pavilion was our partner in Uzbekistan InTech Stroy.

There are no walls in the pavilion, therefore, to give the room an oriental flavor, an original ornament was placed over the open cell ceiling grilyato. Due to its size and height of ceilings, the pavilion looks solemn and majestic, as befits the residence of the first person of the state.

This is what the Koʼksaroy residence says in Wikipedia:

“Kuksaroy (Uzbek: Koʼksaroy) or Kuksaray (literally Blue Palace) is one of the current state residences of the President of Uzbekistan, which includes a large green area with a complex of buildings. It is located a couple of kilometers northeast of the Mirzo-Ulugbek district of Tashkent, in the village of Durmen (or Durman - from Uzbek Doʼrmon / Durmon) of the Kibray district of the Tashkent region. <...>

It was built in the 1990s by the first president of Uzbekistan, Islam Karimov, as an additional residence to his main residence, Oqsaroy. <...>

After the death of Islam Karimov, Shavkat Mirziyoyev, who became president instead of him, abandoned the Oqsaroy Palace for unknown reasons and turned it into a museum, and he himself temporarily moved to the building of the Senate of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan, then chose Kuksaroy Palace as the main working residence, where it also hosts leaders of foreign states and guests."

Photo sourceIn Tech Stroy

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