Design ideas for ceilings

TC "Epicenter K6": KRAFT cube-shaped ceiling on a flexible traverse

Linear strip ceiling on flexible traverse by default look unusual and impressive. That is why Food Market at Epicenter K6 used such a suspended ceiling as a design element.

The cube-shaped rails ceilings out from other suspended ceilings for its design possibilities. The KRAFT design cube-shaped ceiling can be multi-tiered, with the position of the slats at different angles, alternating slats of different widths and heights and other design solutions. But after we launched the production of a flexible traverse for a cube-shaped rail KRAFT, the design possibilities of such a suspended ceiling have expanded several times.

The designers of "Foodmarket" in "Epicenter K6" in Kiev were among the first to appreciate the new possibilities of the cube-shaped ceiling. In view of the large number of suspended structures, it was decided not to completely close the main ceiling, but to make separate "islands" from the KRAFT cuboid slats, which would distract attention. As such "islands" it would be possible to use a conventional traverse, giving the necessary geometric shapes to the "islands" using laths of different lengths. But against the background of high main ceilings, such a structure would simply "get lost" in the surrounding space. It was necessary to add volume. And this problem was easily solved with the help of a flexible traverse for the KRAFT cuboid lath. It seems to be nothing special - a few smooth bends of the traverse and a cube-shaped rail with a wood texture - but look how organic it looks! Imagine an ordinary suspended ceiling in place of this structure and feel the difference between 2D and 3D. Moreover, in this case, it was not necessary to resort to any complex design solutions - thanks to the flexibility of the traverse and the simple installation technology, a magnificent wave-like structure from a cube-shaped rail was obtained.

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Manufacturer of suspended ceilings