Design ideas for ceilings

Cube-shaped rail ceilings by KRAFT - refined solutions for residential spaces

Aesthetic design of living spaces: House "31" by "Kovalska" with stylish solutions by KRAFT.

The external aesthetics of a house in the context of city architecture, its ecological aspects, safety—these are just a few of the requirements that future homeowners consider when planning to buy an apartment. A vivid example of such an approach is the house "31" by "Kovalska." Here, external and internal aesthetics merge, incorporating details that provide a sense of comfort and emotional satisfaction.
One of the distinctive features is the use of cube-shaped KRAFT rail for ceiling decoration in common areas. The reception ceiling consists of a solid block of cube-shaped rail, which, combined with the bright interior of the hall, creates a unique atmosphere of sophistication and premium-class comfort.
Another essential design element is the use of cube-shaped rail in the entrance group, creating a successful contrast with the building's facade. It's no wonder that designers chose to incorporate cube-shaped rail into the project, as KRAFT rail ceilings:

- are resistant to adverse environmental conditions.
- are corrosion-resistant (with an intact polymer coating).
- maintain their form well, without deformation or skewing.
- provide easy access behind the ceiling for preventive and repair activities.
- have a warranty against thorough corrosion for 3 years, with an actual service life of 10 years or more.
- are also non-combustible.

In summary, the project appears highly successful and balanced, thanks to a design that effectively utilizes all the advantages of KRAFT suspended rail ceilings.

The project was implemented by the company Top Acoustic.

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Manufacturer of suspended ceilings